Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rant Blog

I'm starting to think this is becoming a rant blog. I really am enjoying medicine and med school overall. I still affirm my decision to become an MD and I have no regrets. That said, there is a lot of bull shit that goes on.

I hate...

1) Asshole nurses. There are way too many of them. Fucking nurses with a chip on their shoulder who think that as soon as they see the short, white coat, they can whip out their God complex of sorts and act like the shit. I'm here to learn and get through my rotation. You don't have to brush me off, act rude, or talk down to me just because you've been working your job for 2 decades and I'm still a doe-eyed student. Show some respect; we show you guys respect. I know it's hard work, we students don't have it much easier and we sure as hell don't have an easy path ahead of us.

Not all nurses are dicks. But I've had enough ass-holery that I'm honestly surprised and ashamed about them. Don't get me wrong. My dear Mother is a nurse and I honestly believe she's the best nurse there is. Many of them are good people. But the ones who are total fuck offs (and there's way too many like this) are the ones who need to be handed the fucking slip and booted out the front door. These shit bags don't deserve to be anywhere near patients. But then again, half the patients I've seen have been fuck offs, too.

2) White coat break-down. Not trying to be an elitist, but what ever happened to the days when doctors wore long, white coats? They still do. do Physician Assistants (PAs), Nurse Practitioners (NPs), Pharmacists, Pharmacy techs, Dietitians, Nutritionists..... Anyone who thinks they "went through" something and ends up working in healthcare thinks they're entitled to wear a goddamned white coat.

You ass holes try going through organic chemistry and fighting your way through college, brown-nosing every fucking Ph.D you run across in order to squeeze another A out of them for your GPA. Then volunteer, join clubs, do w/e you can to get in med school. Then go through 4 years of hell, do a 3-6 year residency. Now put on a white coat. Then walk out into the hospital ward and just wait....oh! There goes some numb-nuts in a white coat, and SHE just took a year of school after college. See where I'm going?

I'm sick of seeing it. Every fucking person and their aunt wears one, and many even throw a stethoscope on just to look even more toolish. If you went to college and thought that made you magically some mystic, professional doctor person, then go wear your white coat. I'm sick of seeing that shit on everyone.

3) Asshole residents. I had some residents during my medicine rotation who were complete shits. No surprise right? Well, I can still bitch about it. It sucks.

4) People. Patients demand drugs, procedures for every little thing. People go out and spend $150/week on "alternative" bullshit like chiropractors, herbal horse-shit, and god knows what. Then they bitch when their insurance makes them pay $40 on a PAP SMEAR. I'm SORRY we're saving your life from cervical cancer, ma'am.

Docs. Selfish and greedy, specialists want more pay, less hours. Everyone has something to gain and there's no such thing as truly "caring" for anyone.

I'd get sick to my stomach reading pre-med application essays. I can't believe the shit I spewed in mine. It makes me sick remembering the crap I wrote.

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