Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bull Shit

Inpatient Peds Rotation

1) I hate it when you get two different instructions from two different higher-ups (residents). Then, invariably when nobody is around to help you when you need it, you do whatever you think is safest (note-writing procedure, for example). Then you get bitched out by the resident for "doing it wrong." Now you can't argue back or they'll make you out to look like a condescending and haughty med-student.

Too many times, mis-communication. You get mixed signals or incomplete communication and you just do your best. And too many times you get bitched out by some stressed out resident who has noone better to take out their anger on than you.

It's an annoying and long rite of passage and I'm sick of stuffing my pride to bend over and take it from cheese dicks. And I hear this happening all over my institution and at other institutions. It's part of medical education and you learn to let it roll off your back.

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