Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Surgery Clerkship

If any of you clicked on my blog, wondering what's up, then here. I'm in 3rd year of medical school. During that year, you have to "rotate" through all the different major medical about a rate of a different one per month. Such as my schedule would have it, all of my surgery specialties have come last in the year. And so, between now and late-May, I'll be dealing with the "worst" of third year, if not the worst of medical school.

So I'm now on surgery. My hours are very, very long, and my days start very, very early. I don't have the luxury of weekends anymore; they will be chopped in half at best. But in general, days are expected to be 12 hours long. In my case right now, this is my expected routine:

4:30am - Wake up
5:15am - Bet at hospital to help intern do scut work (dirty work, paper work)
4:30pm - Supposedly when I get out
6:00pm - Later end of when I get out

Mind you, I don't have a "safe haven" of Saturday and Sunday. I should get one of those two days off a week. This coming weekend I have a feeling I will work straight through, because my team doesn't give a shit that I'm there and they just want me there to do work while they have me.

I will be online as I can be. I'm not sure just yet how waking up at 4:30am will affect my body, but it will surely wreak some amount of havok. I can only imagine that to arrive home 13-14 hours later, I'll be dead-tired, even though it'll only be 6 or 7 in the evening. How I'll deal with sleep and how I distribute sleep is to be seen. But I put friends absolutely first, so I won't be falling out of touch w/anyone; that is my priority.

I can only say that going through this is just as much physical as mental and emotional strain. I will do my best to cope.

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