Monday, April 30, 2007

Con "grad" ulations

Graduation: I graduated from college yesterday (April 29th, 2007). A time for celebration, reflective thoughts, family, friends, and accomplishment! Yeah, OK. It was all that, but now it is over and I'm relieved because I can go back to sitting around and not doing anything while I await August. The count-down to when I move is at exactly 3 months now, putting the 2007-2008 school year well under 4 months. Scary to think about, seeing as I was a freshman here just yesterday.

I graduated from High School in the class of 2003, college in the class of 2007, and here I am entering the graduating medical class of 2011. I should really aim for a four-year residency so I can graduate from that in 2015 and call it good. Life comes in segments until you get to your career, at which point you have (assuming a stable one) an approximately 35-50 year block of time before retirement. Whatever, I'm going to totally do everything I can before mid-August. There's lots to see and do! And so, I am off. And no, that picture is not of me, and has nothing to do with my college.

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