Tuesday, May 18, 2010

3rd Year Just About Done

3rd year SUCKED.

I finished my very last clinical day of 3rd year today - YES. I just have the exam on Thursday, then a meeting Friday morning for a few hours and I'm officially a 4th year! So tonight's gripe will just be a quick bitching about how much I hate being in the O.R. Most people who don't go into surgery at least liked being in the O.R., but just didn't want a career in it. Well I hated the O.R., you know why? (Caviat: The OR experience is much different as a med student because you can't really do anything, and anything that you do do is going to be "scut"ish work, like holding retractors for hours on end. Being a resident and doing surgery actively would probably help. Still...)

-Sterile environment. Annoying. You can't scratch your balls if you needed to, or, more commonly, annoying itches on the back of your head. Can't scratch them, you just have to wait it out.
-Standing. Hours of it. Tiring. And you got up at 4:30am that morning on 5 hours of sleep if you were lucky. It hurts.
-Mean attendings. They yell and curse and make you retract for hours...
-Retracting - tiring. Hold your hand out in front of you for 2 minutes straight. Hurt? Do it for 30 minutes, an hour...you'll sweat and panic.
-Mask, gloves, gown, hat - annoying. I feel trapped, hot, and suffocated.

And worst of all...

-Bitchy Nurses. Seriously. Seriously. Get over yourselves. Yeah, I know, the attending surgeons are mean and they dump on you all the time. They berate you, humiliate you, yell at you, and take their anger out on you. You chose this profession, so deal with it. Stop transferring that frustration down to the only people you can: us medical students. Stop actively going out of your way to find something wrong with my sterile technique...I was not standing "too close" to your fucking mayo (instrument) tray.

Stop giving us the 'tude. Changing your tone of voice as soon as we ask you a question or ask you to help us gown isn't going to help anyone. Just shut your trap and treat us like you do everyone else, which usually isn't very nice, anyway.

You who disrespected me when I walked into the room and bitched me out because you had to take my name down to enter into the computer for the records; screw you.

You who made me change out and back in for stepping one step outside of the curtain when everyone else was walking around the entire room for the entire case; screw you.

And this isn't OR related, but to you who bitched me out over the phone because you were to lazy to get information out of the chart that my resident needed; fuck you.

Do your fucking jobs. We all hide behind this facade of professionalism so the patients and others at the hospital think everything's dandy. But behind it all, everyone (even residents and sometimes attendings) can be real big cocks. But most of all I take it from nurses. Some of you are amazing, really, and to that I salute you. But I've experienced a lot of shit, and to those who have been shitty enough to dish it out; go fuck yourself.

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